Friday, February 5, 2010

Prayers Needed

Well as most of you know, a week ago we had found a lump on me that has given us quit the scare and some pretty crazy trips to different doctors, as of now i have to have surgery to determine if its a tumor or fatty tissue. I am also going to be going through another major procedure shortly after to determine why we are not have a baby yet, hopefully. I know that in our own lives we all have our challenges that we face everyday, some are harder than others, this would be one of those harder moments in life. I know that Heavenly Father will not give us anything we cannot handle! I strongly believe that, looking back at everything on my life i understand it now. We are also very excited to be doing these procedures, crazy i know, but it makes me think that if i do this and get things the way they are supposed to be, Jake and I will have a better chance at finally being parents, and that's what makes me happy, we are doing this not just for me but for our kids to come! Please keep us in your prayers as these next few weeks will be very difficult, I have decided to not go to school this semester, I'm really sad about that, but I think my health right now is more important, school can wait. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers this far we love you and truly thank you.


Torrie and Cassidy said...

Hang in there Susie! It sounds like you have the right mind set. We will definitely keep you in our prayers. Love you!

Karl said...

One thing I know—medical procedures are never as bad as the reason behind them. Best of luck with everything.

Alicia Phelps said...

Oh my gosh, Susie! I had no clue! Why didn't I get a call? You will be in our prayers for sure. Good luck with everything!